PEMF Basics


PEMF Basics

Oxygen, water, food and sunlight are essential for life, but there a little known factor of health that is vitally important for health and life itself: Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMFs).


What are PEMFs?

All energy is electromagnetic in nature, and nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange between cells. An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by moving electrical charges. It affects the behaviour of any other charged objects in the vicinity of the field.


The Earth has a magnetic field. The two main components of Earth’s PEMF, the Schumann and Geomagnetic frequencies, are essential to life.

These frequencies are absolutely necessary for the human body’s circadian rhythms, energy production, and even keeping the body free from pain. However, we are no longer getting these life-nurturing energies of the earth in the amounts that we need to be healthy.


Why are PEMFs not as available as they once were?

    • high_tension_tower_smOver the past 300 years, the earth’s magnetic field has declined over 50%.
    • Spending time indoors in modern buildings with insulating construction materials keeps us from accessing the earth’s natural fields.
    • Unhealthy PEMFs, such as high frequency wifi and microwaves, block natural frequencies from the earth that are vital for life.


How did scientists learn about the need for PEMFs?

nasa pemf researchEarly proof of our need for the Earth’s pulsed electromagnetic fields, was observed after Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin circled the Earth in 1961. Yuri returned from space and suffered from depression, decreased metabolism, impaired perception, bone loss, and muscle degeneration. He later died at the age of 34 from a jet crash under mysterious circumstances. And he was only in space (without the magnetic field of Earth) for less than two hours!

Since that historic flight, ‘zero field studies’ (experiments done in chambers made of ‘mu’ steel, which block ALL magnetic fields of the earth) have confirmed that if living cells do not receive the pulsed magnetic fields of the earth, they DIE WITHIN HOURS!

NASA and the Russian space program now equip their spacecrafts with devices that replicate the earth’s natural frequencies to ensure the health of their crews.


What is a natural solution to the declining availability of natural PEMFs in our modern environment?

tara_imrs_set_blank copyThe solution is earth-based PEMF devices. The iMRS and the Omnium by Swiss Bionic are the only PEMF devices that actually duplicate nature both in intensity and frequency. It does this with a saw-tooth waveform which delivers bunches of the frequencies from 0-30Hz simultaneously. In 8 minutes twice per day, all the body’s trillions of cells will be fully recharged and oxygenated. Sixteen minutes per day, on the full-body mat gives the body the energetic equivalent of walking barefoot in nature for 2 – 4 hours!

The applicator pillow and probe use the square waveform, which has been proven by NASA to be the most effective signal for pain relief, regeneration and recovery from injury.

Additionally, the iMRS utilizes a biorhythm clock to ensure the body receives energizing frequencies in the early part of the day and relaxing frequencies in the evening.


How do PEMFs make the body healthy?

cell_smPEMFs re-charge your body’s own natural energy field. Each PEMF pulse creates a tiny electrical charge in your cell membranes. Cells re-charged with PEMFs are better at absorbing oxygen and nutrients, removing wastes and storing energy. Inflammation drops, repairs accelerate, circulation improves, energy levels rise. This is preventive health care.


Benefits of Using PEMF Devices may include:
  • Eliminate pain and inflammation naturallycouple_grass_sm
  • Get deep, rejuvenating sleep
  • Increase your energy and vitality
  • Feel younger, stronger, and more flexible
  • Keep your bones strong and healthy
  • Help your body with healing and regeneration
  • Improve circulation and heart health


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